Friday, May 31, 2013

Top Ten Signs you might be my customer

10: This dude right here is one of the normal ones.

9. You arrived by bus, not because you are an urban commuter or a high school student at a local stop. But because you own the bus.

8. Because you also live in said bus, the store is literally right outside your front door.

7. You remove your shoes prior to entering the premises.

6. Nobody notices when your "therapy dog" takes items of the shelves with it's mouth.

5. The cashier believes that your filthy dog is actually some how therapeutic.

4. There is a man outside who thinks you're stealing his thoughts.

3. I say the phrase "uptight hippy customer" and you totally know what I'm talking about.

2. You, or somebody nearby desperately needs a "bucha fix"

1. You chat with the cashier about the dangers of vast monolithic government influence and control while purchasing your organic,natural, vegan dark chocolate peanut butter cups with food stamps.

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